29 Jan

One thing I can’t stand is someone at the gym just trying to be seen. Almost as much as someone I don’t know taking a picture of me without asking. I usually workout in the fitness room alone when no class is in session. And it’s tough, no fluffy stuff. So sometimes guys come to the door and stand watching. It seems odd to me but I stay at it and ignore them. However, this one dude comes INTO the room and sits on the a bench I set up just inches away from me as I’m doing commandos… so I’m too winded to converse and I’m on a clock to finish all reps within 7 min. I don’t understand how he felt that wasn’t intrusive and rude. I don’t care if he was Andra Fuller sexy, (and he wasn’t) I wouldn’t have given him the time of day. Another guy comes into the room and stands in the mirror flexing and begins taking photos with me in the background….. Because that must not have been enough, he then begins recording a video of himself in the mirror hitting full lunges and flexing along the perimeter of the room. I’m in the background fighting through my workout. I just imagine him posting ig videos or snaps like “Me and bae in the gym” or “look at this bish in the background” 😤😡😬 what’s wrong with them!?! Is it crazy or is it me? If you see me any videos at the gym, tag me.

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