Don’t Chase. Attract.

25 Jan



I have been tested so many times in these past few weeks. From things as shallow as snarky comments to true disrespect from people I don’t know well at all to those who are actually connected to me in some way. While it is very irritating, it seems as if for every bit of craziness, I have been graced with so much refreshing and positive energy.
One morning, the day became so stressful before I even left the house for work. Frustrated with duties and things that popped up suddenly, demanding immediate attention, I felt like I was melting. After having a mini breakdown, gathering myself, and handling everything at hand, I felt drained, before 9 a.m…. The light and vibration of my phone pulled my attention from my thoughts of “OMG Sonya get your sh*t together!” The message, sending positive vibes and wishing me peace and positivity for the day was in perfect timing. They knew nothing of the situation I was handling.
Just when I was kind of feeling like, “life, are you trying to show me I’m not doing it right?” I realized, or remembered rather, that the universe is not working against me. Yes, even on those “try me” days when I feel as if there is a sign on my forehead that says something like “give me your BEST shot. Come on! Be as rude as you can!” We have the power to will things that we desire into our lives, and there are keys to assist or usher them in, primarily, gratitude.
“Your attitude determines your latitude.” And your level of gratitude largely determines your attitude. Look for the good, and you will find it. And because what you seek is seeking you, in keeping a positive attitude and finding the good in things, good things will find you.
Knowing this, I don’t say I’m chasing money or chasing dreams because, I’m not. Those things are not running away from me. I don’t have to chase them. The truth is that, what you seek is seeking you. We have to tune into that seeking and know what it is that we are looking for. Learn how to be quiet. Make yourself of meditation jar. Be mindful.

Understand and identify what the desires of your heart are and if they are purposeful.
Check your attitude. Check your ego. Check the language you use with yourself (your self-talk). Make it good because you deserve it. Check the disrespect (through your mindfulness of course). Commit to keeping a gratitude journal every day for 30 days. I believe that you will be pleased with the changes that come about. Tap into your power and, don’t chase, attract.

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